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The Realise Programme

Meon Springs Realise... for Natural Productivity helps individuals, teams and businesses achieve better output with less stress.


  • Realise Wellbeing

  • Realise Teamwork

  • Realise Leadership

Realise... For Natural Productivity

The Meon Springs Realise Programme for Natural Productivity is a bespoke combination of workshops, barn chats and activities to enable individuals and teams to improve leadership and teamwork and realise wellbeing in a natural and inspiring way.


The programme is organised collaboratively with customers to fit their budget, their agenda and meet their desired outcomes.  It could be a series of Away Days, a Corporate Retreat or a combination of both plus meetings and activities online and back in the office.


What is Natural Productivity?
When individuals feel good about themselves and their contributions, when they have empathy and understanding of others and when they understand and embrace their leadership role, they engage positively and proactively with their colleagues, get things done collaboratively and celebrate their successes.


This is what we call Natural Productivity.

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Realise Wellbeing

Many teams are overwhelmed with balancing their work life with other aspects of their lives.  They may have suffered a loss, have too much on their plate, become disengaged and generally, for whatever reason, become unproductive.


This part of the programme is about developing a toolkit of skills and techniques that can be reached for to go beyond problems and issues and achieve results in a more naturally productive, less stressful way.


Realise Wellbeing introduces and explores different perspectives and concepts, some of which many participants may not have considered.  There is plenty of time for self exploration and experiencing things that attendees may not have previously experienced..


Realise Wellbeing is Ideal for teams that want to get in flow and better support each other in meeting the aims of the business. 


Realise Teamwork

Collaborative and positively engaged teamwork is the elixir to achieving results in an enjoyable and inspirational way.


This part of the programme is a highly experiential way to help team members see and understand how various behaviours contribute to the team and in what way.


By using different tasks and activities which are skillfully reviewed to participants will draw out insights and understandings that create positive future action.


This combined with workshops and plenty of time for connection and reflection create highly effective and powerful learning experiences.


Realise Leadership

Good leadership is vital for achieving desired outcomes and whether it be just for their own work or for their team or teams, everyone in your organisation will be taking leadership roles. Their ability to do this well and in alignment to your direction and outcome will directly impact on the results your organisation achieves.

Through reflective exercises, and interactive discussions, We explore what makes a natural leader and help participants become more aware of their own leadership style.

Participants will end the programme with enhanced communication skills, greater self-awareness, and the ability to lead more authentically, driving immediate and lasting improvements in the business.

Choose this part of the programme to help your leaders in their current roles and to develop your future leaders 


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Realise Inspire Achieve


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